Online Adult Basic Consultations
(can be conducted either in-person or online, typically takes around 90 minutes)
Dr. Lenis has been involved in the natural healing industry for over 40 years and has been a practicing doctor since 1988. By using tools such as numerology, questionnaires, and intuition, his extensive knowledge and experience can help you identify the root cause of your problems and determine the most effective solutions.
Although clients may initially seek guidance on topics such as health, relationships, career, or business, Dr. Lenis advises that the first session should focus on identifying your natural talents or abilities that Dr. Lenis refers to as “Superpowers”. These consist of 3 words that describe your authentic self, your innate talents, or can be described as the “essence of your soul”. This information can provide valuable insights into your life situation and make decision-making easier. Furthermore, this knowledge can also help reduce stress, which is a significant contributor to many health problems. According to Dr. Lenis, solving health issues is of utmost importance, since without good health, everything else becomes secondary.
虽然客户最初可能寻求关于健康、关系、职业或商业等主题的指导,Lenis医生建议第一次会谈应重点关注识别你的自然才能或所谓的“超能力”,这项主题包括3个描述你真实自我的关键词、你的天赋才能或者被描述为“灵魂的精髓”。这些信息可以为你的处境提供有价值的洞见,让你更容易做出决策。此外,这些知识也可以帮助减轻压力,而压力正是许多健康问题的主要成因。 Lenis医生认为,解决健康问题是非常重要的,因为如果没有良好的健康,其他一切都变得次要。
In Person Consultation
(conducted in-person, typically takes 5-consecutive days of a minimum of 3 hours per day)
The Advanced Consultation is advised for individuals who have health concerns that require more extensive information beyond what is provided in the Basic Consultation. These concerns may pertain to weight loss, controlling blood sugar, and addressing joint or muscle problems, long-term COVID symptoms, autoimmune disorders, or an array of other issues. The consultation offers a chance to gain firsthand experience with a healthy lifestyle that is customized to your specific body type and health status, fostering a healthier way of life.
This rigorous program involves three daily sessions, each dedicated to the mind, body, and dietary factors that collectively reduce inflammation, prevent health issues, and accelerate healing. The initial session features a distinctive myofascial stretching technique developed by Dr. Lenis through his collaboration with the Greek Olympic team. This technique aims to enhance circulation and flexibility, deter muscle and joint injuries, and expedite recovery from pain, inflammation, or tissue damage. The second session concentrates on dietary considerations, offering guidance on determining the best diet for your individual body type and health condition to balance blood sugar levels and bolster your immune system. The third session addresses the psychological aspects of your health concerns, including stress reduction, relationship problem-solving, clarifying your life purpose and career path, and more. This program is customizable and extendable beyond the standard five-day duration to suit your specific needs and circumstances.
这项完整的项目包括3个主题的每日研讨会,整合心理、身体和饮食的角度,共同降低炎症,预防健康问题,加速愈合。第一次会议的主题是筋膜伸展技术,由 Lenis医生在希腊奥林匹克队时开发。此技术旨在促进循环和灵活度,防止肌肉和关节损伤,加速从疼痛、炎症或组织损伤中康复。第二次会议的主题是饮食注意事项,提供指导和选择最适合个体体质和健康状况的饮食,以平衡血糖水平并增强免疫系统。第三次会议的主题涉及健康问题的心理方面,包括调整压力、关系冲突、明确生活目标和职业道路等。此项目可根据你的具体需求和情况进行定制,可延长超过5天的计划。
Online Child Analysis
The online analysis takes about 90 minutes to complete. It will require a parent and child to appear on camera for several minutes and talk to Dr. Lenis, after which the child will be asked to draw a picture on an A4 piece of paper while the interview continues with the parent. When the child completes the drawing, a photo of the drawing will be sent to Dr. Lenis to complete his report.
在线分析大约需要 90 分钟才能完成。 首先,家长和孩童一起与Lenis 医生进行几分钟的视频谈话,再安排孩童在 A4 纸上画一幅画,同时继续与家长进行沟通。 当孩童完成绘画后,请家长拍照发送照片, Lenis 医生收到绘画照片后将完成分析报告。
During the analysis, Dr. Lenis will explain the following about your child:
在分析过程中,Lenis 医生将解释以下有关您孩子的信息:
- Understand your child’s body type and what unique lifestyle they need to stay health
- 了解您孩子的体质类型以及他们需要匹配独特的生活方式类型来保持健康。
- Identify your child’s personality type including talents, strengths, and weaknesses, and how they can improve their study ability
- 识别您孩子的个人特质,包括天赋、优势和劣势,以及如何提高他们的学习能力。
- Identify a child’s conflicts, life lessons, and how to help them learn without becoming their enemy
- 识别孩子的内在冲突、人生课题,以及如何帮助他们学习而不成为他们的敌人。
- Identify which communication style is best for your child
- 确定哪种沟通方式最适合您的孩子。
- Understand how your child thinks and what is important for them including what they need to hear from you in order to respect and follow you
- 了解您的孩子的想法以及对他们来说重要的事情,包括他们需要从您那里听到什么才能尊重和跟随您。
- Discipline type: how to handle naughty or problem children
- 管教类型:如何处理调皮或有障碍的孩子
- Understand what unique requirements your child has of their external environment to feel safe and relaxed
- 了解您的孩子对外部环境有哪些独特要求,以便感到安全和放松。
- Understand how family problems affect your child and what you can do about it including how to help them deal with stressful situations
- 了解家庭问题如何影响您的孩子以及您可以采取哪些措施,包括如何帮助他们应对压力情况。
- Help your child build self-confidence and find a career direction in life that will bring them security plus personal satisfaction
- 帮助您的孩子建立自信并找到人生的职业方向,为他们带来安全感和个人满足感。
- Learn many simple and natural ways to boost the immune system for increased memory, mental, and physical health
- 学习多种简单而自然的方法来增强免疫系统,从而增强记忆力、心理和身体健康。
- Identify any structural health problems that need early therapy or physical weaknesses that can be easily solved through your attention
- 识别任何需要早期治疗的结构性健康问题或可以通过您的关注轻松解决的身体不适。
- nutritional type: the best diet for your child’s personality and body type
- 营养类型:找出最适合你的孩子个性与体型的饮食方案
After the online analysis, you will have the most important information you need to give your child the best psychological care and support. While the basic information you need will be covered online, you can learn much more by attending any of the Dr. Lenis Introductory Online Salons or seminars.
在线分析后,您将获得为您的孩子提供最佳心理护理和支持所需的重要信息。 您需要的基本信息将在线上沟通中充分了解,之后您也可以参加 Lenis 医生的在线沙龙或研讨会获得更多信息。
Dr. Lenis also offers personal consultations at his office in Hong Kong for help on a variety of health issues including how to solve muscle and joint problems, enhance the immune system, identify food sensitivities, and what the best diet for each body type, natural anti-aging, and help identify alternative strategies for your healing journey.
Lenis 医生还在他香港的办公室提供各种健康问题的个人咨询,包括如何解决肌肉和关节问题,增强免疫系统,识别食物敏感性以及不同体质类型的最佳膳食方案,自然抗衰老,并支持您确定疗愈旅程中的替代策略。
Dr. Lenis (蓝宁仕医生)认识巧合系列研讨会和咨询项目
Do you have a nagging ache at the back of your mind telling you there must be more to life than what you have experienced so far? Perhaps you feel you were meant to live a different type of life, perhaps living somewhere else, eating other types of food, and around a different group of people.
你的内心深处是否有一种挥之不去的疼痛告诉你“生活中一定有比你迄今为止所经历的更多”? 或许你觉得你注定要过一种不同以往的生活,换个地区居住,吃其他类型的食物,置身于不同的社群。
Have you had complaints that you were a dreamer, or had no special talent, and would never get anywhere in life? You may have never believed those and yet tried to improve yourself. Perhaps you tried reading self-help books or seminars, received various types of psychological therapy, tried to develop your spirituality, some which helped for a while yet you always end up back where you started, feeling lost and frustrated.
你是否曾经抱怨过自己是一个梦想家,或没有特殊的才能,而且永远不会在生活中取得任何成就? 你可能从来不相信这些,同时又试图精进自己。 也许你尝试过阅读自助书籍或参加研讨会,接受各种类型的心理治疗,尝试发展您的灵性,在一段时间内有所帮助,但最终又感觉回到起点,感到失落和沮丧。
The answer to what you are looking for is actually not in any book, seminar, special meditation, consultation, therapy, or spiritual practice. The answer is simply inside you. It may seem difficult to access, but actually, you have experienced it at certain moments during your life. Those were moments where you listened to your heart, and when you followed your instincts or intuition. Those were also times when you felt so happy that time seemed to disappear, you suddenly felt super energetic and passionate, or when you became inexplicably clear-minded. Regardless of how short those moments were, they gave you a taste of the life you really wanted, which means they were proof that there really was a better way to live… if only you could find your way.
你所寻找的答案未必存在于任何书籍、研讨会、冥想、咨询、治疗或精神实践中。 答案就在你内心。 祂看起来神秘莫测,实际上你在生命中的某些时刻经历过祂。 在那些时刻,你倾听你的内心,跟随你的本能或直觉。 也在那些时刻,你感觉幸福宛如时间都消失了,你瞬间觉得自己充满活力和热情,你的大脑变得莫名的清晰。 不管这些时刻是多么短暂,祂们都让你品尝到了你真正想要的生活,这意味着祂们证明了确实存在着更优化的生活方式……只要你能找到自己的道路。
To find that life, what you really need is a life GPS system, something that would automatically guide you there. Is such a thing possible? Well, if you consider that life is a combination of the sum of your choices and then think about what led to the more important decisions in your life, you will no doubt remember that many of your decisions seemed to be out of your power to control as if certain things were destined to happy. We all have stories of strange coincidences that seemed to defy all odds and ended up influencing our decisions or even totally determining the future. Many people call these events fate, the work of destiny, synchronicities, auspicious coincidences, etc., while others call them purely coincidental, but what are they really?
为了找到那样的生活之道,你真正需要的是一个生活GPS系统,祂会自动引导你到达那里。 这真的存在吗? 如果你认为“生活是你的选择总和的组合”,然后想想是什么导致了你生活中更重要的决定,无疑你会记得你的许多决定似乎超出了你的控制能力 ,仿佛某些事情注定是幸福的。 我们都有一些奇特的关于巧合的故事,这些巧合似乎克服了一切困难,最终影响了我们的决定,甚至完全决定了未来。 许多人称这些事件为命运、天意、共时性、吉利等,而另一些人则称祂们纯粹是巧合,那么祂们到底是什么?
According to Newton’s Third Law: for every action (force) in nature there is an equal and opposite reaction, which means nothing happens without a reason. What may appear as a pure coincidence, may in fact be something more complex than we can imagine, so if we could understand what caused the coincidence, we would gain insight into the invisible world of energy that controls all things in nature.
根据牛顿第三定律:自然界中的每一个作用(力)都会产生一个大小相等且方向相反的反作用力,这意味着没有任何事情的发生是无缘无故的。 看似纯粹的巧合,实际上可能比我们想象的更复杂,因此,如果我们能够理解造成巧合的原因,我们就能洞察控制自然界万物的无形能量世界。
To understand what forces may be at play to create the coincidences we experience, we need to look at any ancient culture in the world. All of them teach that nothing happens by coincidence, and how coincidence events occur to guide us to our destiny, to protect us from danger, and to help us succeed in life. These might seem like superstitious beliefs, however the more you try to understand the meanings of coincidence, the more amazed you will be. Eventually, you will find how all coincidental events actually work like a life GPS. Understanding their meanings is the only way you can find the thing missing in your life. They hold the solutions to all your problems.
为了了解是什么力量在发挥作用以及创造了我们所经历的巧合,我们不妨看看世界上的古老文化。 祂们都教导说,没有什么事情是偶然发生的,巧合事件的发生如何引导我们走向我们的道途,保护我们免受危险,并帮助我们在生活中取得成功。 这些现象看似迷信,当你越尝试理解巧合的含义,你就会越感到惊喜。 最终,你会理解巧合事件如何像生活 GPS 一样工作的原理。 理解祂们的含义是你找到生活中缺失的拼图的唯一途径。 祂们可以解决你所有的困惑。
“There are no coincidences in life, so it’s important to Know Coincidence” Dr. Lenis
Life-Code Numerology (Kodiko)
The first and most important place to use the information provided through coincidence, our life GPS, is to help children, to give them a successful head start.
The most successful head start you can give to children is to help them discover and develop their talents, build their self-confidence, teach them to have healthy relationships, and show them how to keep healthy for the rest of their lives.
给孩子一个成功的起点,最好的方式是帮助他们发现和发展天赋,建立自信, 教导他们拥有健全的人际关系,示范如何照顾自己的生命健康。
Sadly, these basic keys to life success are not taught in modern school systems that are basically focused on quantity and not the quality of education. The only way to help your children is by educating yourself and then directly helping your children.
Imagine how different your life would be if your parents had helped you discover all these things from a young age! Don’t miss this chance to give this to your children!
The problem is, however, that there is no one-size-fits-all program to help them all. Each child needs to be analyzed so that the important details can be discovered. This service is available via consultation with Dr. Lenis (either online or in person).
然而,没有一种万能适配的培育模板。每个孩童需要进行单独分析,进而发现重要的细节。 此项内容可通过咨询 Lenis 医生(在线或现场)获得。
The Coincidence of Numbers
Life-Code Numerology (Kodiko) is an ancient yet effective tool for personal growth and developing your true potential in life based on understanding the coincidence of numbers. It can improve your communication skills for professional and personal relationships, to boost sales skills, advance management and coordination skills, and even help to develop the potential of children!
「生命密码」数字象征语言学(Kodiko) 自古以来就是一套专门运用于个人成长与发展潜能的方法学-基于认识数字的巧合。它不仅能改善人际沟通,增加销售技能,强化规划管理能力,甚至在帮助孩子发展天赋才华方面也非常有效﹗
The Life-Code Numerology (Kodiko) Method allows you to instantly know:
- Know who you really are and how to improve yourself
- 认识自己的天生特质,如何精进。
- The talents, strengths, and weaknesses of other people
- 他人的天赋、优势、提升空间。
- Your compatibility and conflicts with other people
- 你与别人相容及矛盾所在。
- What type of relationship you have with other people
- 你与他人的相处模式。
- How to best communicate with other people
- 如何最快速有效地与人沟通。
- How to resolve interpersonal conflicts
- 如何解决个人内在的冲突。
- What products people really want (as opposed to what they say they want)
- 人们真正想要的产品﹙特别是他们所说的与所想的不同之时﹚
- What it will take to persuade and sell your products or ideas to other people
- 如何说服别人接受你的想法及产品
How it works:
More than 2500 years ago in ancient Greece, Pythagoras (the father of mathematics) created a philosophy leading to the establishment of experimental science and medicine, philosophy, arts, democracy, racial equality, and many other pillars of the modern world. Pythagoras’s students included Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Alexander the Great who brought Greek influences to the whole world, Descartes, and many other scientists throughout history.
Pythagorean philosophy taught that from the smallest atom to the largest planet, all things in the universe produced unique frequencies of energy. These frequencies would create harmonies and disharmonies. If you could physically hear these frequencies interacting with each other, you would be able to hear the music of the universe.
These constantly ongoing interactions, invisibly affect us leading to the formation of our talents and personalities, the decisions we make in life, and all the events in our lifetimes. In other words, there are no coincidences in life. Nothing happens by chance. And so, if you could understand these invisible influences, you would know the true nature of the universe, of your environment, of yourself, and of others.
Pythagoras believed that the way to access this mystical knowledge was through learning the meaning of numbers for as he said, “numbers were the language of God”. When numbers were used to represent all things in nature, patterns appeared that were otherwise not visible.
In the last hundred years, Albert Einstein and other more recent scientists have confirmed what Pythagoras taught that all objects have specific frequencies (E=mc²) and that these interactions create the universe we live in. However, science has a long way before it can use numbers to explain the invisible energy influences on our own personal lives the way Pythagoras did. The reason is that in modern mathematics, numbers are understood for their practical meaning and used only to count things, while in ancient Pythagorean mathematics, numbers also had a mystical nature.
过去百年间,爱因斯坦及其他近代科学家证实了毕达哥拉斯所传授的,任何物体都有其特定的频率(E=mc²) ,而这些频率的交互作用,形成了我们现在生活的世界。尽管如此,科学要能验证,如同毕达哥拉斯一样运用数字以解说无形的能量如何影响我们的人生,仍有一段长路要走。因为现代数学中,数字只运用于计算物品数量的实际功能上;然而在毕达哥拉斯时代的数学,数字也同时具备了形而上的意涵。
The mystical meaning of number comes from looking at the nature of the number. What does the number 2 mean? When 2 dots are connected together they make a string or rope and a rope binds things together. From this, we can deduce that the mystical side of number 2 involves things like dependency, love, coordination, etc.
Once you understand the mystical nature of numbers, seemingly random information in your environment is no longer meaningless. Suddenly birthday numbers, telephone numbers, passport or ID card numbers, addresses, etc., give you insights into the true nature of yourself, others, and your environment, allowing you to understand how you are being affected.
You can also use numbers to understand everything else in your environment including the style and color of clothes people wear, hair styles, mannerisms of speech, the foods people choose to eat or what foods they love, etc. Numbers give you a private window into the true nature of yourself, other people, your environment, and anything else you wish to understand. The applications are of course limitless!
How to Learn:
The original teachings of Pythagoras and other ancient Greek philosophers were never written down for philosophical reasons. Fortunately, many of Pythagoras’s students did write his theories and concepts down, and it was this information that Dr. Dimitrios Lenis (originally from Greece) studied to recreate the ancient teachings that he calls Kodiko (which is a Greek word meaning Code) so in English translates to Life-Code Numerology.
碍于哲学方面的考量,毕达哥拉斯及古希腊哲学家们的原始教法并未授意书写下来。幸好,许多毕达哥拉斯的学生私自记录了他的理论与概念,而这也是Dimitrios Lenis医生﹙希腊籍﹚经研究创造了古老的教学方法,称之为Kodiko﹙希腊文,原意为密码﹚,译为英文生命密码(数字象征语言学)。
Life-Code Numerology Introduction Class (2-hour Mini-Class, online or offline)
生命密码 数字象征语言学 入门课(2小时迷你课,在线或现场)
This class presents Dr. Lenis’s recent advancements in the field of numerology that discard the previous use of superstitious elements, such as birthdays and names. Instead, his fresh approach allows you to analyze a person’s style, fashion choices, accessories, food preferences, etc., to discern their personality traits, strong suits, weaknesses, current mood, conflicts, and potential resolutions. With these insights, one can discover their authentic nature: 3 innate talents that Dr. Lenis calls, “Superpowers”. These have many benefits including boosting self-esteem, conquering relationship challenges, improving sales, advancing their career, and enjoying numerous other applications.
Part 1 Number Coincidence (online Training) – Finding Yourself Through Numbers
模块1 数字巧合(在线训练)—通过数字认识自己
According to a report by the World Health Organization (WHO), an estimated 1 in 4 people globally will experience a mental health problem at some point in their lives, with low self-esteem being a common contributing factor. Additionally, studies suggest that low self-esteem can lead to a range of negative outcomes, including poor academic or work performance, social isolation, and mental health problems such as anxiety and depression.
Low self-esteem can often stem from early childhood experiences. During the early developmental years, we rely solely on others for our survival needs, causing us to perceive the approval of those around us as crucial for sustaining our lives. This leads to a tendency to conform to other people’s expectations, even if it means suppressing our true selves. Any deviation from the expected norms of behavior and conduct is often met with criticism and negative consequences, causing us to lose touch with our natural talents and interests. This suppression of our true selves ultimately results in a decline in self-esteem, leading to a sense of feeling purposeless and unhappy in life.
To resolve this issue, it is important to discover our authentic selves. This involves identifying our inherent talents, which should not be mistaken for learned skills. Our innate talents comprise our distinct ways of doing things. For example, if we ask ten skilled pianists to play the same piece, each of them would approach it differently, showcasing their unique talent style. By recognizing our inherent talents, we can utilize them in any field we choose to pursue in life.
Discovering your true self and leading a life that reflects your authentic personality is a deeply fulfilling experience. It allows you to maximize your professional capabilities, understand your requirements in a relationship, pursue your passions, and ultimately minimize stress – a critical factor in maintaining good health.
发现真我,反映真实个性的生活是一次深刻而充实的经历。它可以让你最大限度地发挥专业能力,了解你在关系中的需求,追求你的激情,最终减少压力 – 这是保持良好健康的关键因素。
While there are several approaches to help people recognize their inherent talents and traits, there is no single system that distinguishes between talents and skills. Consequently, individuals can only attain a general understanding of who they are, which can result in heightened self-doubt and impede self-improvement.
Dr. Lenis introduced numerology to Asia through his books, promotions, and seminars to help others find their true selves and gain confidence. While numerology was often accurate, it lacked precision in describing talents and was dependent on birth dates, making it inaccurate at times. To address this, Dr. Lenis researched numerology’s use in ancient Greece and discovered that numbers could reveal personality traits, talents, conflicts, communication methods, and more. He simplified this method to make it accessible to many people.
Dr. Lenis found that everyone has at least three personality traits that define their personality, but some of these traits can be conflicting, leading to self-doubt and frustration. To help people identify and utilize their innate talents, he conceptualized these abilities as “Super Powers” similar to those of comic book superheroes. By recognizing and respecting one’s unique abilities, individuals can overcome conflicts and limitations, thus reaching their full potential.
This program has numerous applications, including boosting self-esteem, achieving personal growth, discovering passions, and addressing relationship problems, all while managing stress for optimal health and anti-aging benefits.
What you will learn:
In this class, we begin with learning the language of numbers and so be able to read everything on and around a person to accurately reveal their personality, talents, communication style, food choices, etc. We also learn to use this language to understand the influence of every type of environment, city, country, and more. We begin to see the world in terms of numbers, which reveals things like compatibility, conflicts, solutions, and insights into many problems we are faced with that seem out of our control.
- build self-esteem
- 建立自尊
- fight problems that are a result of low self-esteem including depression and other mental health issues.
- 解决由低自尊导致的问题,包括抑郁症和其他心理健康失衡。
- build self-confidence
- 建立自信心
- improve motivation
- 提高驱动力
- increase job and life satisfaction
- 提升工作和生活满意度
- increase productivity
- 提高生产力
- increase problem-solving skills
- 提升解决问题的能力
- unleash untapped creativity and innovation
- 发掘未开发的创造力和创新能力
- help drive leadership skills
- 帮助驱动领导能力
- understanding personal conflicts and how to resolve them
- 理解个人冲突并协调它们
- what career or business best fits your talents, and how to monetize on the
- 什么职业或企业最适合你的天赋才能,如何从中获益
- reveal a roadmap for effective self-develop leading directly to your full potential
- 揭示一条有效的自我发展路径,直接引领你发挥最大潜力
- what location, environment, city, country, etc., is best for your talent type
- 哪种地点、环境、城市、国家等最适合你的天赋类型
- reduce stress, which translates into better health overall
- 减少压力,从而改善整体健康状况
Part 2 Number Coincidence
Offline Seminar: Relationship Kitchen
模块2 数字巧合
The next step in learning to use the power of number coincidences is learning about its applications to relationships and communication. The class is entitled, “Relationship Kitchen”, because like in cooking, any ingredient added to a dish changes its flavor, likewise every individual added to a relationship changes its dynamics. Regardless of the type of relationship, from child-parent, romantic, friends, workplace, teams, etc., numbers can help us understand the relationships between any combination of individuals. Through numbers, we can learn the best way to navigate relationships and resolve conflicts or other problems.
学习使用数字巧合的力量的下一步是了解其在关系和沟通中的应用。这门课的主题是“关系的厨房”,关系犹如烹饪,添加到菜肴中的任何成分都会改变其味道,同样,加入一段关系的每个人都会改变其动态。 无论是哪种类型的关系,从亲子关系、恋爱关系、朋友关系、工作场所关系、团队关系等,数字都可以帮助我们理解任何关系组合。 通过数字,我们可以找到处理关系和解决冲突或其他问题的最佳方法。
This information can also be applied to communication. Numbers can tell us what type of communication method is most suitable for each individual we meet. This brings powerful skills for better communication and can easily be applied to sales since we can instantly know how to say things in a way that others can understand and accept.
该信息也可以应用于沟通。 数字可以告诉我们哪种沟通方式最适合我们遇到的每个人。 这带来了更高效的沟通技能,易于应用于销售,因为我们可以立即知道如何以别人可以理解和接受的方式表达。
Mastering the Power of the Immune System Introduction Class
(2-hour Mini-Class, online or offline)
掌控免疫系统的力量 入门课
In the last few years, due to the pandemic, people have come to understand the significance of having control over their immune system as it is the most effective weapon against diseases. This control not only aids in disease prevention and recovery but also plays a crucial role in slowing down the aging process.
This class begins by introducing a Greek immigrant to the USA, Stamatis Moriatis, who lived there from age 20 till 60, when he was diagnosed with lung cancer stage 4. He decided not to get treated and go back to his home island, Ikaria, to live out the months he hoped he had left. His relatives would come over and drink wine with him and the months went by. He felt better and better. Somehow, the lifestyle of Ikaria led to the remission of his cancer, and at 98 years old was interviewed by BBC, where he explained the power of lifestyle on health. Dr. Lenis will point out the powerful lifestyle methods to regulate the immune system, including lifestyle choices, various mind-body factors, diets and body types, blood sugar regulation, and the impact of muscle and fascia on circulation and aging, among other things.
本课程首先介绍一位来自希腊的 Stamatis Moriatis,20岁移民美国生活了40年,60岁时被诊断患有肺癌第四期,他决定放弃治疗回到家乡伊卡利亚岛,度过他所希望的余生。他的亲戚们会来陪他喝酒,日子一天天过去,他感觉越来越好。不知何故,伊卡利亚的生活方式影响他的癌症进入缓解期,在98岁时接受了BBC的采访,分享生活方式对健康的影响。 Lenis医生将阐释优质的生活方式如何调节免疫系统,包括生活方式的选择、各种身心因素、饮食和体型、血糖调节以及肌肉和筋膜对循环和衰老的影响等。
Part 3 Health Coincidence
模块3 健康巧合
The D-Life Program
D-Life 项目
Why do some people keep their health and beauty well into old age while others age fast? Is it a result of random chance or due to genetics? Research over the last 40 years has proven that it’s not due to random chance. It’s due to epigenetics, which is the effects of a person’s environment and lifestyle. That means healthy aging is possible for everyone. With the right lifestyle, we can look years younger than our age, maintain beautiful skin, have a clear mind and good memory, and live free of diseases and disabilities.
为什么有些人到了老年仍能保持健康和美丽,而另一些人却衰老得很快? 这是随机的结果还是遗传因素? 过去 40 年的研究证明,这不是随机的,这归因于表观遗传学,来自环境和生活方式的影响。这意味着每个人都可以实现健康老龄化。开启适合的生活方式,我们可以看起来比实际年龄显年轻,肌肤光彩照人,思维清晰,记忆力敏锐,从疾病和障碍获得自由。
One research project on people that live in longevity centers around the world, called the Blue Zone Study, identified several factors that are essential for healthy aging, but also found evidence that these lifestyles were not only able to prevent the common diseases of aging like diabetes, dementia, arthritis, cancer, etc., but was also able to reverse disease, even in terminal cases.
The most famous and amazing case was a Greek man named Stamatis Moriatis. Born on the island of Ikaria, at age 20 he immigrated to the United States married, and had 3 children, but then at age 53 he was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer and his doctors gave him 6 to 9 months to live. He thought it would be a waste of money to try and treat an incurable disease, so he decided to go back to his home island in Greece, called Ikaria, and live out whatever time he had left. There his relatives would come over and drink wine with him. Six months passed and he didn’t die. Nine months passed and he started feeling stronger. He ended up drinking a bottle of wine a day and living till 102. He even managed to outlive all his doctors!
一个显著且众所周知的案例是来自希腊的Stamatis Moriatis。他在20岁时移居美国,结婚并养育了三个孩子。然而,在53岁时,他被诊断患有4期肺癌,预计寿命只有6到9个月。他认为治疗无法治愈的疾病是浪费金钱,于是决定回到家乡希腊Ikaria (伊卡利亚)岛度过余生。他的亲友常过来与他把酒言欢。6个月过去了,他没有过世,9个月后,他开始感觉越来越健壮。他每天饮葡萄酒一瓶,活到了102岁,超越了所有人的预期,甚至活过了曾治疗他的医生。
What was the lifestyle that helped him not only cure his cancer but also give him a long life? Obviously, it’s much more than drinking wine! (In fact, wine is deadly for many people!) Well, it is tempting to think if we can just copy his lifestyle, we can all enjoy healthy aging. Unfortunately, what worked for him might not work for you. All human beings have unique requirements to age healthily.
A better way to think about what lifestyle is right for you is to choose one that reduces inflammation since chronic inflammation is the true cause of fast aging and the causation of most diseases. The solution is to find out what your unique needs are to minimize inflammation and maximize the strength of your immune system.
You need to learn more about yourself including: how to control stress, how to create healthy relationships, find out what foods to eat or avoid and what type of exercise fits your body type, how to get the proper rest, what type of life purpose will bring your happiness, and many other things that make up the unique lifestyle that is best for you.
Finding this information is impossible for most people, which is why Dr. Lenis created the D-Life Program. It is held in a specially selected relaxing environment where you can totally focus on learning about your body. It begins with a short consultation directly with Dr. Lenis for him to understand each individual’s situation and specific needs. Then each day follows a unique program consisting of several types of mini-workshops where new lifestyle methods can be experienced. Each one is based on scientific principles, new discoveries in aging, and ancient principles sourced from cultures famous for longevity. You will learn many techniques and principles that are easy to learn and fun to experience.
Dr. Lenis创建了D-Life项目,正是为了支持人们找到这些看似不易的信息。该项目选择的环境空间非常宁静放松,让你全身心地专注于认识自己的身体。项目开始时,你将与Dr. Lenis进行简要的一对一沟通,他先了解每个人的情况和特定需求。每天将开展不同主题的迷你研讨会,体验新的生活方式。这些方法都是基于科学原理、前沿的老龄化研究和源自长寿文化的古老智慧。在项目中,你将在愉悦的体验中学习易于掌握的技术和原则。
The program also includes a variety of daily health checks to make sure you stay healthy and are getting the desired results. One of these tests is daily live blood testing with a dark field microscope. This involves taking a drop of live blood and viewing it on a TV monitor allowing us to see the health environment inside the body and the way the events of each day affect your state of health. For many people, this becomes one of the most fun parts of the day as they can get to see their blood changing day by day.
What You Will Learn
You will learn how to use the power of the 3 health factors: Mind, Body, and Diet to maximize health. This includes the following:
- The secret to a youthful, functional, strong, pain-free, and flexible body
- 发现保持年轻、机能性、稳固、无痛、灵活的身体的秘诀。
- Learn how to instantly boost your immune system when you feel something is not right
- 学会如何在感觉不对劲的当下及时提升免疫系统。
- Learn how to naturally control your weight
- 掌握如何自然地管理体重。
- Learn how to solve blood sugar problems like insulin resistance or diabetes
- 学习处理血糖问题,如胰岛素抵抗或糖尿病。
- Learn to control stress by understanding your personality and establishing your life goals that are in line with your purpose in life as well as learning powerful techniques on how to instantly change your emotional state, how to use dance and music therapy to control stress, how to improve your sleep quality, etc.
- 通过理解你的个性并确立与生命目标相一致的生活目标,管理压力。学会有效的技巧快速改变情绪状态,使用舞蹈和音乐疗法调整压力,改善睡眠质量等。
- Find solutions to personal conflicts or relationship problems.
- 解决个人内在冲突和人际关系挑战。
- Find the best diet for you through a variety of testing methods we will practice in the program. This will reveal your nutritional sensitivities and guide you in choosing the right foods for your unique body type
- 通过多种测试方法,确定最佳膳食方案。根据你独特的体质类型,辨别营养敏感性,选择适合你的食材。
- Learn new cooking methods to reduce toxins in foods and create a cleaner and low-toxin living environment
- 学习新的烹饪方法,减少食物中的毒素,创造更干净、低毒素的生活环境。
- Get back your happiness by finding your life passion through a variety of techniques to help you reconnect with who you really are
- 通过各种技巧,帮助你重新发现生活的热情,重建与真实自我的联系,恢复你的幸福感。
- Awaken your intuition, which is the most powerful life guide we have, and help you make correct decisions in the future.
- 唤醒你的直觉,作为强大的生活指南,帮助你做出明智的未来决策。
Sample Schedule时间表样本
Day 1 第1天 |
Day 2 第2天 |
Day 3 第3天 |
Day 4 第4天 |
Day 5 第5天 |
9:00 |
Morning Drinks 晨间饮品 |
Morning Drinks 晨间饮品 |
Morning Drinks 晨间饮品 |
Morning Drinks 晨间饮品 |
10:00 |
Stress control and flexible body development 压力管理和灵活的身体发展 |
Stress control and flexible body development 压力管理和灵活的身体发展 |
Stress control and flexible body development 压力管理和灵活的身体发展 |
Healthy Low Temperature Cooking Class And lunch健康低温烹饪课和午餐 |
11:00 |
12:00 |
Noon Drinks 午间饮品 |
Noon Drinks 午间饮品 |
Noon Drinks 午间饮品 |
13:00 |
Rest (or therapy)休息(或治疗) |
Rest(or therapy) 休息(或治疗) |
Rest(or therapy) 休息(或治疗) |
Check out 退房 |
14:00 |
Check in 入住 |
Rest(or therapy) 休息(或治疗) |
Rest(or therapy) 休息(或治疗) |
Rest(or therapy) 休息(或治疗) |
15:00 |
Afternoon Drinks 下午饮品 |
Afternoon Drinks 下午饮品 |
Afternoon Drinks 下午饮品 |
Dr. Lenis Consultations 1对1沟通 |
Finding your personality and Healthy Relationship Class 找到你的个性和健康关系 |
Keys to health emotion class 健康情绪的钥匙 |
Finding your purpose in life 找到你的生命目标 |
16:00 |
Dr. Lenis Consultations 1对1沟通 |
17:00 |
Dr. Lenis Consultations 1对1沟通 |
Finding your diet class 找到你的膳食 |
Emotional release and restore class 情绪释放和恢复 |
Understanding life cycles, dreams, and coincidence 了解生命周期、梦境和巧合 |
18:00 |
Dinner at Restaurant 餐厅晚餐 |
Dinner drinks 晚餐饮品 |
Dinner drinks 晚餐饮品 |
Dinner drinks 晚餐饮品 |
19:00 |
Introduction Class 课程介绍 |
Music therapy for healthier living 音乐疗愈 |
Dance therapy for healthy emotions 舞蹈疗愈 |
Watch film 观影 |
20:00 |
Strategies for Better Sleep Class 好睡眠的策略 |
Strategies for Better Sleep Class 好睡眠的策略 |
Strategies for Better Sleep Class 好睡眠的策略 |
Strategies for Better Sleep Class 好睡眠的策略 |
21:00 |
Bedtime就寝 |
Bedtime就寝 |
Bedtime就寝 |
Bedtime就寝 |
Intuition: our innate Life GPS Introduction Class
(2-hour Mini-Class, online or offline)
直觉:与生俱来的人生导航 入门课
Einstein believed that intuition was incredibly important because it allowed individuals to understand things that were beyond logic and outside of current knowledge. Throughout history, intuition has led to many important scientific discoveries and has been applied in a variety of contexts, such as solving criminal cases and achieving business success. This class will teach you about intuition, how it influences your life through dreams, gut feelings, coincidences, and turning points, and how you can develop it to serve as a life GPS to help you navigate challenges, identify opportunities, solve problems and make critical decisions at the right time.
Part 4 – The Meanings of Coincidence: The Key to Unleashing Intuition (Usually taught during a tour to Greece or another location)
模块4 – 巧合的意义:释放直觉的关键
What is the secret to creating a life that is satisfying, successful, and true to who you really are? Some people say it takes leadership skills, some say it’s due to the law of attraction, some believe it’s a result of pure coincidence, while some think it’s a result of luck or destiny. The real answer is complicated and probably a combination of all these things and more, especially the importance of decision-making. Although sometimes in life, we don’t have much control to change the direction of life, most of the time we do have the power to navigate its course.
Making the right decisions is really not an easy task, especially when we are bombarded with nonstop information and challenges. You might be tempted to think that logical thinking is the answer. While it can help us analyze and make decisions based on what we know to be true, the problem is, that we know very little about the reality in which we live. Therefore, logical thinking is very limited and can easily lead us to make the wrong decisions, leading us away from what we really want. To make the right decisions, we need a way to go beyond logic, to access the information we need directly. The only way we can achieve this is through intuition, which is why Einstein once said, “Intuition is the most important thing”. It’s what led to some of his discoveries as well as the discoveries of many other esteemed scientists.
Intuition is of course not limited to scientists, everyone has intuition and has experienced it. For example, it appears in cases like thinking of an old friend, then seeing their message soon after, or meeting them on the street. It’s also the cause of having a gut feeling about a person or situation, that later proves itself to be true. Intuition has been used by police to solve difficult cases, for investments, by soldiers to survive impossible situations, by doctors to solve problems that are unexplainable, and as mentioned led to many scientific breakthroughs.
There is no doubt that intuition has the power to lead us to the life we really want by providing the information we need to make the right decisions, in fact can work like a life GPS. The only question is how to learn to use it. According to Dr. Lenis, after his 40+ years of intense research into intuition, the best place to start is to understand that nothing happens by coincidence. There are no accidents.
Since that is true, when something happens by coincidence and attracts your attention, like an event that seemed odd or interesting to you, there is a message there from your intuition. If you could decipher the message, you would have the correct information to make the right decision, leading you closer to the life you really want.
Dr. Lenis’s intuition development seminar teaches exactly how to understand intuition messages, from dream messages to random coincidences, and beyond, the foundation required to develop your intuition power. The first part of the training is focused on learning about all the types of coincidences we can experience and how to become more sensitive to them. We do this by walking on the street, in shopping malls, sitting in crowded coffee shops or restaurants, visiting busy tourist areas, etc., and then taking pictures or videos of the coincidences we experience. That allows us to share them with each other, so we can learn from each other’s experiences as well.
The second part of the training is focused on learning the language of intuition, which is the language of the brain, namely, understanding the meaning of symbols. We do this by beginning with the most basic of symbols, and numbers. We learn the meanings of numbers as taught by the ancient Greek philosopher and father of mathematics, Pythagoras, who once taught that the language of God was numbers. Furthermore, we learn the meaning of all the random numbers we see through coincidence, like room numbers, table numbers in restaurants, etc., and then learn how to use numbers to describe everything in the surrounding environment.
Next, we go on to learn the meaning of shapes using an intuition training tool developed by Dr. Lenis called Nature’s Eye. It allows the instant creation of random patterns and makes them easy to photograph and share. This makes learning fast and fun. Then, armed with this knowledge, we can not only understand all the coincidences in our lives, but we can also ask questions and get answers from intuition.
This practice is the key needed to make intuition into a life GPS, to steer around hidden dangers, and to reveal unseen opportunities. It allows us to see when we need to use leadership or follow the winds of destiny to our advantage.
You can begin your journey to unleashing the power of intuition on Dr. Lenis’s Intuition Seminar, which will allow you to one day reach the highest level of intuition power called, The Coincidence King.
You will learn:
- How to use Intuition as a Life GPS
- 将直觉作为生活导航系统
- What your sensory type is and understand the importance level of every intuition message
- 发现你独特的感知类型,理解每层直觉信息的重要性。
- how to understand the meaning of dreams
- 学会解读梦境的含义
- how to understand the meaning of random coincidences
- 揭示随机巧合的意义
- how to create coincidences to answer troubling questions about the future
- 学习创造巧合来回答有关未来的令人不安的问题
- the limits of intuition accuracy
- 认识直觉准确性的局限,理解其边界。
- how unseen energies, good and bad, are affecting you and what you can do to overcome blockages
- 探索无形能量对生活的影响,包括积极和消极的影响,并获取克服障碍的策略。
- how to understand your true self and create healthier relationships with other people
- 认识真正的自我,促进与他人之间更健康的关系。
- how past life information influences the path of your life
- 探索过去生活经历如何影响您当前的生活路径。
- the cycles of life you are in to help you understand why things are the way they currently are, and how to get the timing right in your plans.
- 了解所处的生命周期,帮助理解当前的情况并在行动中把握时机。
- What destiny is and how it plays a role in your life
- 命运的概念以及它如何在你的生活中发挥作用
- How to use intuition for health improvement and healing
- 学会利用直觉提升健康并促进康复
- How to use intuition for gambling
- 直觉在博弈中的应用及其边界
- How to use intuition in your daily life and work
- 将直觉融入您的日常生活和职业事业
- How to use intuition to set up a personal consulting business
- 如何用直觉建立个人咨询业务
Greek Intuition Tour Pictures 希腊直觉之旅的照片